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About the BBC Group

The Behr Bircher Cellpack BBC Group operates in the long-term significant markets of energy distribution, medical technology and packaging (BBC Cellpack) alongside operating in the fields of safety and comfort (BBC Bircher). We are a competent and extremely competitive partner thanks to our broad international presence in manufacturing and distribution. The BBC Group is a company that was founded, built and managed today (91%) by Giorgio Behr.

At BBC Group, we are a strong team with quick decision processes and innovative solution offerings. Our customers can count on our strong commitment and trust. 

Watch on our YouTube Channel the Imagemovie BBC Group

The BBC Corporate Culture

The «ABC of BBC» is built on four fundamental values and determines the parameters for our actions, how we think and work together to move forwards: team work, integrity, courage and dedication.

Specialists from different sectors work closely together as a team to give our customers the most value. We stick to the rules even when no one is looking. For us, courage means innovation in all areas and swift decision processes. Dedication means that we will go that extra mile to ensure customer satisfaction.

With our four values at the heart of our company combined with an interesting business model and a structure aimed at maximum customer benefit, we can grow profitably.  

These four values are enhanced with our «ABC of BBC plus», a continuous programme for leadership and behaviour. 

Overview of the BBC Group

The BBC Group Companies

BBC Cellpack Electrical Products
reliable cable accessories and supplies for low- and medium voltages
BBC Cellpack Electrical Products

BBC Cellpack Power Systems
manufacturer of electrical systems for low- and medium voltage networks 
BBC Cellpack Power Systems

BBC Cellpack Smart Energy

solutions for intelligent energy distribution
BBC Cellpack Smart Energy

BBC Cellpack Technology
Manufacturing incl. clean room (plastics / metals), semi-finished product trading (plastics)
BBC Cellpack Technology

BBC Cellpack Packaging

flexible packaging solutions
BBC Cellpack Packaging

BBC Bircher Smart Access

sensor solutions in the fields of safety and comfort
BBC Bircher Smart Access

BBC Bircher Automation
intelligent and innovative solutions for industrial automation
BBC Bircher Automation